COVID Safety

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At Danowit Dental, safety is our top priority. To ensure the safety of our staff and patients, we are following all recommended CDC guidelines.

Staff: Staff members will get daily temperature checks before coming to work. They are encouraged to stay home if they are not feeling well. Everyone will be wearing a face mask or PPE to protect themselves and those around them. Physical barriers at the reception areas limit close contact between staff members and patients.

Patients: Face masks are required to enter the building, and all patients must get their temperature checked before coming in. Hand sanitizer will be readily available for those who need it. Our office has visual alerts strategically placed to provide instructions about proper hand hygiene and social distancing. We are limiting the number of visitors allowed in the office at once and waiting room seating will allow 6 feet of space between patients. If you’re experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with someone experiencing symptoms, please call our office before coming in for your appointment.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

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